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Carefully Coiffed: Make back

It's already back to school time again!? I wrote about high school graduation only two short months ago, but it seems like it was just a week ago.

Now I have to sift through my closet for school clothes, start wearing shoes, make up and jewelry, and figure out how to style my hair in a few short minutes in preparation for the upcoming school morning routine.

I'm no beauty queen, and I'm more than three decades past my own high school graduation, but I have to look respectable, presentable, reliable, dependable and all of the 'ables' so I can have a professional image.

I have students who get up two hours early so they can do their hair, and believe me they have amazing hair. I tend to think that is partly their young age, but I'm sure an hour and 15 minutes of prep time in the morning has made the mane they wear even more dramatically beautiful. I'm just looking for a quick way to tame my curly locks without pinning it up in the librarian bun.

This brings me to my next point. I have very curly hair. According to 'The Curly Girl Handbook' by Lorraine Massey, 65 percent of all women with curly hair now want to wear it curly. Why? My question is why not? My hair came curly. It takes hours of extremely damaging routine and many dollars of product to straighten my hair.

Believe me, I grew up in the '60s when it was only good to have long straight hair or a short straight bob. Curls were not an endearing asset to possess in that decade, so I learned how to hide them.

How do you tend to curly tresses in a few short minutes, and end up with curls instead of a halo of frizz?

My oldest daughter answered this question for me when she came to town last summer. She brought Massey's book with her. All of us -- my daughters, one of my sons, and my daughters-in-law all have curl -- started the curly girl routine. If you have curly hair or even wavy hair, like more than 50 percent of the women and many men in the world, I highly recommend you read this book. I wish I had read it years earlier.

This brings me back to going back to school. I spent the summer being rather than doing. I mostly only did something when I was moved to do it; which was every day.

It was wonderful to get enough sleep, read, go to the mall only to run into relatives from New Orleans, spend an hour on the phone with a daughter or daughter-in-law, cook dinners daily, enjoy the flowers, visit the neighbor's goats, eat watermelon, bake cookies with a niece, shop with daughters, knit a baby blanket, watch movies with my husband, play ping pong with my dad or son or husband, do some energy work with family members, take walks with neighbors and family members, have dinners with friends, and even prepare some lesson plans when I felt like it.

I didn't do much with makeup and hair and jewelry. But I didn't have to worry much about the hair, thanks to Ms. Massey.

Essentially with the curly hair girl routine, you rarely wash your hair with shampoo. You use sulfate free shampoos and conditioners and silicone-free hair gels. You throw it all in your hair and go. You end up with curls that truly do their own thing, but they are healthy and bouncy and NOT frizzy. It takes so little time. It leaves you with your own terrific curl.

If you question the beauty of your curl and consider it a curse, take a look at Colby Caillat's new video, , and appreciate your wonderful curl instead.

I guess my back-to-school hair will be the same as my summer hair. It only takes a few minutes every day anyway. Maybe I will mostly appreciate my hair and recommend you appreciate your hair as well. That way we will all look our best because we like ourselves for who we are.

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