Ed West
World renowned writer James Howard Kuntsler often wrote on the dangers of the trucking industry and how the reliance of globalization and cross-border shipment of products was a recipe for disaster. France and the rest of Europe are quickly finding out having a trucking industry where labor is short and labor as well as product that needs to be imported produces a unexpected hazard. Muslims are a race of hate and will turn these machines into weapons of destruction at any or all times of their decision. Without a doubt France jeopardizes itself with the masses of North Africans it has allowed to spread like vermin in their beautiful country.

the trucking industry has employed many migrants in Europe and brought in these madmen from the Middle East and India to have opportunities of employment in the West that their native lands never offered. James Howard Kuntsler would talk about global shipment of product and how having Chinese products shipping products in America was insane and basically created this crazy carbon footprint where ninety degree weather in the summer to be the norm even in Northern climates.

Big oil wants products made in one country and traded to another to have increased reliance and waste of fuel burned into the environment. the world would be better off without a trucing industry that creates much of the damage on our roads and pollutes the air eight ties as much as a normal car and now add to the mix emotionally and mentally unstable men from the Muslim world to drive in the west and now you really have a quagmire that needs to be addressed. A brown Muslim with terror ties was even allowed to get a CDL and drive a school bus in the state if Minnesota with their ridiculous evil governor Mark Dayton has promoted and pushed for the Islamification of this state.

James Howard Kuntsler has been addressing everything form the migrant explosive potential to the massive increases of fossil fuel burning from a trucking and transportation industry that has its head in the sand of their own destructiveness and cost that government has yet to burden this industry for creating. Globalization is a process that the West must destroy only through kicking out Muslims as Spain did centuries ago. These current leaders are unwilling to ensure the safety of the individual countries from the unstable third-world people who would do us harm because of our freedoms and happiness in life. Black and brown Muslim demons are creating massive killing and a police state in response where our liberties are quelled. these elite leaders in the past allowed all these hateful unassimilated monsters into our borders and fail to deport illegals or descendants of Black slaves who will forever hold a grudge and be domestic criminal terrorists in our society.
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