Garon Giroux
Another disturbing Muslim radical attack on European soil and butchery form these people took pace in Nice ,France as some illegal Tunisian made his way into this country and attacked a church in what we believe is a plan and organized act of terror. Three people were killed including a woman who was beheaded and without a doubt these terrorist attacks on France are being funded and encouraged by psychotic Turkish president Recep Tayipp Erdogan who suffers form a mental disease and should be checked for one and why The Turks don't displace this madman making their country look horrible I can;t quite understand. There needs to be a coup and Recep Erdogan needs to go and he has been acting more and more unstable with his calls of boycotts against France and generally waging a social media vocal war of hate against France and its president Emmanuel Marcon.
Recep Tayipp Erdogan likely has been the major source for all the trouble European nations have had with Muslims and the Turkish supremacist and Islamic radical likely has funded 90% of terrorist attacks in Europe and for this reason alone this monster and neo-Ottomon asshole needs to be kicked out of NATO. The idea of this son of a dog mass killer Etdogan and Turkey once was even proposed to be a member of the European Union are ling gone and should never be thought agian sas the Turks have been the traditionally genocidal killers of Europeans especially in the Balkans and displacement of Anatolian and North African Jews through the year sbuy the evil over lordship of the Ottomans.
Erdogan is attacking France because France along with the Greeks,Egyptians, Cypriots,Gulf States, and Khalifa Haftar in Libya are preventing Erdogan's plans to precipitate a new Ottoman Empire as he is such a madman delusional dictator not seen since the days of World war II and fascist Germany and Italy. Erdogan is a dog and a despotic that needs to be over thrown and he is threatening a full regional war in the Mediterranean and which like the Balkan wars likely will see a huge coalition of nations untied to battle the traditional evils and power hungry savages and viruses that infect the brain of Turks like Tayipp Erdogan through the years. France under Emmanule Marcon and this devil Recep Erdogan are headed for a full frontal war in the region as Erdogan is `attempting to inflame the radical Islamic global community to be against France
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