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My Daughter and Carol's Daughter :)

I know Carol's Daughter has been a popular brand for quite some time now, but I really don't have much practical experience with the brand. I am familiar with Lisa's story and she is actually one of my professional inspirations, but as far as using the products, I had never actually purchased any ( True Story: I actually went to Lenox Mall in Atlanta, GA for the grand opening of her stand alone store a while back, where she was making an appearance; I was going to make my first purchase there, but there was so much bedlam that I didn't get within ten feet of the door). It's not that I wasn't interested in trying them; my mother had Lisa's Hair Elixir and every time I went over to her house, I would sneak to her bathroom and put a healthy dose in my tresses. I guess (until recently) I've been more of a drugstore girl, because I'm a bit of a product junkie and experimenting with lots of new and different things is way kinder on the budget at Target than at the department stores.

My oldest daughter, Peyton, even has her own stash of Carol's Daughter products! Someone graciously gifted her with the cutest shampoo and conditioner set that featured the character's from Disney's The Princess and The Frog, some time ago. So it seemed only fitting that when I got the opportunity to test out some products from Carol's Daughter, they just happened to be perfectly suited to her hair condition.

Like I've mentioned before (here), my hair is naturally curly and I've never had a chemical relaxer. However, someone other than myself took it upon themselves to give Peyton a relaxer when she was around 5 or 6. It was maintained for a couple of years, but a few years ago she decided that she wanted to grow it out. And what a journey it has been  since then. 

To make a long story short, we were REALLY EXCITED when I received Carol's Daughter's Olive Oil Infusion Kit! It's a softening and detangling treatment, that's great for all kinds of hair, but especially hair in the delicate "transition" of growing from relaxed to natural. Just right for Peyton!

The kit is super user friendly; you just apply the oil directly to the scalp and then work it through to the ends, then divide the hair into four sections and work the smoothie through, using your fingers (and NOT a comb) to detangle the hair. Then you put on a plastic cap (also included in the kit) and let the products soak in your hair for 30 minutes. Then you wash it out (preferably with a sulfate free shampoo) and condition if necessary and style as usual. 

I wish I had pictures to show off the results, but Peyton got a little camera shy at the end. We were very happy with how the kit worked in her hair; it literally resurrected the texture that has been lost for years! She was so happy to see that she could be a curly girl like me and her little sister, London. While her natural hair curled BEAUTIFULLY, the ends were still super straight, so it was difficult to style in a way that was wearable. While we did end up using a flat iron to straighten her hair, we are so optimistic about continuing to use the kit as her hair grows out and look forward to when she can wear her hair curly and proud. 

The Olive Oil Infusion Kit is something that I highly recommend whether your hair is natural or relaxed and whether you plan to wear it curly or straight. It was so nourishing and highly moisturizing and the smell was divine (kind of herbally, with a minty undertone). 

So what are your favorite Carol's Daughter products? I'm definitely a fan now, and look forward to purchasing some of the brand for my own use. What are the products and brands you look too when you want to pamper your tresses at home? Are you a drugstore maven, or do you prefer high end goodies for your mane? My inquiring mind wants to know! Until next time...

Ciao, XxO


PS-The Oil Infusion Kit was provided to me for consideration by a PR company. I was not paid to review it, or for this post, and the opinions stated are completely honest and my own (and Peyton's). 

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