Dmitri Diamond
Famed rockstar coffee drinkers and reviewers the homsexual Marty and Clyde found another great coffee area in the Northern Illinois and Southern Wisconsin area and were recommended to this place by several emails. Pepper Park Coffee is a nice hidden coffee shop in the Barrington area and has a nice young staff that makes quick and wonderful coffee nothing like the shit in the ever growing Chicago area devoted for Dunkin Donuts which continues to grow exponentially and often has no people in the place. Marty and Clyde noticed that Pepper Park had more people than the usual Dunkin shithole and the place smelled of coffee and roast making it an actual place and experience to hang around

While the outside of Pepper Park is a typical strip mall boring building with as place making many snide remarks about drive thru both Marty and Clyde couldn't help to notice and report how much nicer and cleaner this place was compared to the average Dunkin Donuts that is often a mess and a shit. The snacks and grub offered at this coffee house was better and all around this is a higher class place to hang and remain as it is after all located in Lake Barrington,Illinois. As Homosexuals Marty and Clyde felt a good coffee house vibe that they never feel at Dunkin or their usual hangout in Asbury House in Willow Springs,Illinois in the Chicago's South suburbs and overall they loved this place making many snide remarks about Dunkin Brands for people to hear and be glad they live in a community that fights against this monopolist power.
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