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Halle Meets Super Fan (Groover) Flip at Jenesse Gala and Golf Day

Flip has kindly allowed me to add some of his "Road Trip" story to my blog , but you can read the whole road trip Message HERE on the Yahoo Group HALLEHOOD_GROOVERS. Oh and I highlighted in RED the bit where she says that she reads and loves this blog !

I arrived in Los Angeles and stayed at The Hollywood Econo Lodge on N. Vine in the heart of Everything. An old but very accommodating and friendly hotel. I chose this Hotel for lodging because from there it was a 12 minute ride to The Beverly Hills Hotel for the Silver Rose Gala and a 4 minute ride to the Wilshire Country Club for "The Halle Berry Classic Golf Tourney". 
I'd recommend this place for any first time visitors to L.A.

Sun, April 17, 2011 - The big day, The Silver Rose Gala! I arrived at the Gala at 11:30AM in my sparkling Batmobile where it drew attention and plenty of
compliments from the Jennesse girls who ushered me in to pick up my ticket and
registration for the silent auction. 

The Gala Began at 12:15PM. Halle wathere and just as pretty in pink as ever as you all well know by now. I spoke with her real briefly as she was at her table an unusually no one was around her. So I reintroduced myself and she lit up very happy to know that I had keptmy word and had returned. She gave me a big ole hug and squeeze.   
We talked quickly about the groovers to which she sends all her love and Sun, she does read and love your Blog. I let her go and said "I'll see you after the Gala for
a quick photo" to which she smiled and nodded. The Gala was an enjoyable
experience like last year. Master of Ceremonies was Jamie Fox. In attendance
were Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Titiana Ali. Entertainment was Robin Thick.
The dinner was great too, Broiled Chicken & Backed Sea Bass with Chocolate Mousse for desert. Yummmmm yum! The whole event was over by 3:30PM 

So I went and waited by Halle's table for a minute or so till she came from behind backstage.
She gave me another Hug and we took our Photo. She thanked me once again for
coming and I told her not to worry, that I would see her tomorrow, because I
would be playing in her golf tournament, which just lit up her smile even more
and she said "Great, I will see you there." 

As I was leaving, I checked on the silent Auction and it turns out that I won the item that I bid on....A SUPERMAN COOKIE JAR! Now here I am all Batman up and I win a Superman cookie jar. ( I gave it to my sister when I stopped over in Austin, TX on the way home.) 
Now for those of you who do not have convertibles, let me tell you a secret. For
some odd reason, when you drive around with the top down, people think that it
is alright to talk to you for any reason. And if you put bat Signals on your
car you really get it, from "Hey Batman" to people singing the Batman theme as
they drive by you. You know the one Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, Na, BATMAN!!!!
You just have to smile, laugh, and wave.  Then it was off to bed early because I had to be at the golf course for at 9am for registration.

Mon, April 18, 2011- I arrived at the Wilshire Country Club for 8:45am.
Dropped off my clubs and parked the Batmobile. This Country Club and Golf
Course is just breath taking. Now I, being from Louisiana, was determined to
leave a lasting impression here. Not because of my golf game (I'll explain
later), but because of what I had brought with me. About 20 lbs of Mardi Gras
Beads!!! All brightly colored and sparkly. As I approached the registration
table, the Jennesse Girls were dressed in white polo shirts and khaki shorts. I
gave them my name and sign in, then I told them that I was from Louisiana and
that they needed a little Louisiana flair. I placed four of the bags on the
tables and they looked at them and asked, "Did you bring us food?" I said
"Nope. Something better" and I broke open the bags and spilled the beads on the
table and their eyes lit up like they were kids again. Everybody grabbed their
favorite colors and were putting them around their necks and laughing and
giggling, it was too funny. Before you knew it, all the girls and even a few
guys were wearing Mardi gras beads and they wore them for the whole day.

Now I had 1 bag left for a special little girl, but her "Mother" hadn't arrived yet.
So now I just walked around the club house, had breakfast, and just took in
everything, the fact that I was actually going to play here was starting to
freak me out a little. Now my golf game is nothing to brag about. I play 10
times a year if I'm lucky. I shoot anywhere from 118 to a 150 on any given day
(Which is really, really BAD!) I play for recreation only or as I like to say,
I'm the comic relief in the group, but believe it or not, I occasionally will
make par or even a birdie on a hole. That's what keeps me playing. By now,
Groovers Derri and Linda arrived to watch the golfers tee off and to see all
that was happening. 

Halle arrived at 9:45am. She walked to the first tee where
they had set up a press conference for her and she began taking all of the press
photos with the other celebs that were in the tournament. Now remember that one
bag of beads that I saved, well after Halle was through with all of the press
photos and interviews, everyone went back to doing their own thing and she was
kind of left alone once again, so I walk over near the press area and got her
attention and called her over. She said, "Hey Flip" and I showed her the Bag.
She said"What you got?" And I replied "This is for you and Nahla". She said
"Awe, you didn't have too," I said "Trust me babe, I didn't go to any expense"
and I bust open the bag a bit, "It's just Mardi Gras Beads!" She peeked in and
her face lit up! "Nahla is going to love these. She is at that stage in her
life right now." "I know", I said, "I've never met a little girl who didn't
like Mardi Gras Beads. And big girls too for that matter. As you walk around
you are going to notice that I've had a busy morning, because you are going to
see my beads everywhere." To which we both started laughing. We then went our
separate ways, I to start arranging my clubs in my cart and she to walk around
and meet the other golfers.

Tee off time was 11am. 
I was teamed up with 3 other golfers who were very good, but did not mind my style of play. We all had many a laugh, at my expense, over the course of play and it was just a great time. Heck, at the 1st tee there was a tent. One of the sponsors for the
tourney was GREY GOOSE". Can you say....Free Booze! So Flip's drinking a Vodka
Martini at 11AM. Next Hole, there is a tent Sponsored by a Cigar Company, Now
it's 11:30am and Flips Drinking and Smoking Cigars! 2 holes later, there
another tent and they have the grill fired up. They serving small Rib eyes,
Hamburgers, Hot Dogs, and Sausages. Now it's 12:15pm, Flips drinking martinis,
smoking cigars, and eating a rib eye sandwich! Who the HELL CARES ABOUT
GOLF!!!!!!!! LIFE IS GOOD!!!!!!!!! 

Now around the 7 hole, Halle caught up with us. It was time for our group Photo. She teased and joked with us as we took our photo. Then she leaned into me when no one was paying attention, and Said "you were right Flip, I've seen your Beads Everywhere!" To which we both laughed. She asked if I was having fun and I said "Sure am, I'm playing my normal 150 game." 
To which she busted out laughing and said "I could play with
you!" and I replied "Yes Ma'am, you could!" Then she got back in her golf cart
and she was off to take more group photos. 

But never let it be said that I didn't not leave my mark. For me, everything came together at the 18 (last) hole. 
The hole was a par 4. The 3 guys that I was playing with all of a
sudden got off their game and by the time we all got to the green, they were
lying5, 6, 4. Flip was lying 3. Since they were all really close to the hole,
we broke protocol and let them finish out and I would go last. They all 2
putted, their scores for that hole were 7, 8, & 6. Now it was my turn, I
looked over the green, lined everything up with the slope and putted. The ball
took off and played the slope perfectly and curved and went directly and
straight into the cup!!!!! It was like a 60 ft. putt! And I made it!! You
would have sworn I had won the Masters. The other 3 Golfers all threw their
clubs in the air, the 2 caddies and every one started jumping up and down and
there were High 5's, cheers, and shouts all around! It was a great way to end
the day. For the rest of the evening, nobody talked about how good a game they
played, they all talked about my 60 ft. putt on the 18th hole! To funny!!
When it was all said and done, the final scores were 78, 82, 89, and Flip got a
""132"" . Ya hoo! I broke 140 !! It was a great day. After the tourney, a
great late luncheon was served where they had a seafood buffet to die for. It
was just spectacular. They presented the awards to the golfers with the best
scores and drives and then the day was over with every one laughing and saying
their good byes to each other. 

I have to say it was one of my best road trips ever and I'm already looking forward to playing in next year's Tournament.

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